Monday, August 31, 2009

Exercise I

Instructor: What do you just read?

Borpit: Well, the lasted book I read was the Romance of the Three Kingdoms (Thai: สามก๊ก) in the business version. The Romance of the Three Kingdoms is a Chinese historical novel based upon events in the turbulent years near the end of the Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms era of China, starting in 169 and ending with the reunification of the land in 280.

Three Heroes of Three Kingdoms depicting Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. This painting is usually hung in the offices of
businessmen to show that they are trustworthy, just as these brothers were to each other.

I like this novel very much because it’s contain a lot of knowledge and historical information about China. It took me almost a year to finish this novel, and I’m planning to read this novel again and again. Most people said that people who read this novel 3 times or more you cannot be friend with those people. But for me, I will read this novel 3 times for be friends with those people.

Instructor: Why imagination is more important than knowledge?

Borpit: Albert Einstein said that “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” and I agree with him since knowledge is already there but imagination will bring out of new things and ideas.

Instructor: Why do you seek for information?

Borpit: Most of the time, i seek for information when I need to do the reports and when i would like to know some topics. The sources that i been use a lot were internet, books, newspaper.

Instructor: What topic do you know best?
Borpit: Sports, especially, Football (Soccer in American English) I can talk with my frineds in this topic like forever. I like Steven Gerrard as my favorite football player.

Name: Steven George Gerrard
Club: Liverpool
Position: Midfielder
Number: 8

Instructor: What website do you like most?

Borpit: Since I like sports the most, I would prefer the most, This website contains a lot of new information updated hourly. I would suggest that if you need to know score update and the match detail-before and after. This website could give you with a reliable information.

Thank you for read my blogs.

Borpit Tantayanusorn.

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